When should I replace the straw chopper knives of my combine?

Grain Yield [t/ha] :
Grain/Straw-Ratio :
Header Width [m] :
Driving Speed [kph] :

You should replace your Chopper Knives at : 270 ha

Chopped Straw Amount : 48 t

Additional Power Consumption : 48 kW

Additional Fuel Consumption : 48 l/h

According Wear Duration in Gravel : 48 min


Area Performance : 4.8 ha/h

Grain Throughput : 48 t/h

Straw Throughput Chopper : 48 t/h

*All calculations according to studies of TU Dresden with a combine T550i, FineCut chopper 56 knives, fuel consumption 95l/h on test conditions, grain straw, price per knife 7,54€